Sunday, December 28, 2008

CSS Cheat Sheet

If you ever tried to design a blog theme or a website template using CSS I am sure this Cheat Sheet will be very useful. Check it out.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

How to hide Blogger Navbar

Want to get rid of this boring navbar at the top of your blog? Want your visitor to remain on your blog only?

Here is the answer:
Why should you hide the blogger navbar?
1. If blogger navbar color does not matches with your template color.
2. If blogger navbar takes your descent visitor to a spam or porn blog by clicking on “Next Blog” Button.

Is hiding the blogger navbar legal? Will it not break blogger Terms & Conditions?
Blogger has still not mentioned any thing about the hiding the navbar in their TOS. Also google has not mentioned anything about it in Old Blogger TOS.

There are two ways of hiding navbar in “New Blogger” :-
1. Complete Hide: Your navbar will neither be seen nor it will work.
2. Partial Hide: Your navbar will only appear on mouseover & will work also, i.e. when user places the mouse pointer at the top of the page the navbar will appear & work.

Here are the methods to hide navbar :-
Complete Hide:
1. Go to Template >> Edit Html
2. Put the following code anywhere between the head tag

#navbar-iframe {
height: 0px;
visibility: hidden;
display: none;

3. Your navbar will disappear forever.

Partial Hide:
1. Go to Template >> Edit Html
2. Put the following code anywhere between the head tag

#navbar-iframe:hover{opacity:1.0;filter:alpha(Opacity=100, FinishedOpacity=100)}

3. Your navbar will be partially hided.



Copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved Revolution Two Church theme by Brian Gardner Converted into Blogger Template by Bloganol dot com